We Are Introducing Two Main Strategies AdWords Success In 2016

We are introducing two main strategies AdWords success in 2016

Trends in advertising marketing in 2016 are such that the advertisement, usually at the same time covers the whole spectrum of networks, devices, and should contribute to customer retention. Consumers are gradually becoming more and more "high-tech" and "mobile" - of course, this should seek and search technologies.
Therefore, we offer 2 advertising strategy Google AdWords, to help you succeed in promoting a product and brand.

Advanced remarketing

When we talk about remarketing, we mean primarily the choice of most of the target audience. When the audience consists of those consumers who have expressed interest in your brand or product, to implement those or other actions on the company's website, promotional marketing results almost always known to be significant. Remarketing technology lead to the most conversions cheap.

If you're already using AdWords system for search engine optimization, pay special attention to the advanced service platform for remarketing. Take advantage of the main advantages that it offers:
Segment and are targeted. With the new tool to create subscription database based on the URL, you can quickly identify new audience segments, including the most loyal and interested in your customers' products. Applying advanced targeting options, you can choose to show your ads only on the top sites whose topics correspond to yours. Thus, information about your brand and products will see the most targeted audience.

Do not forget about existing customers and subscribers - Remarketing most effective impact on those who have addressed you. Your customers and subscribers - your most loyal audience. Make two respective segments the customer base and work with them with a vengeance.

Mobile targeting

One of the latest trends - use to view web pages and navigation of mobile devices. This also applies to e-commerce: to search for information about products and the best deals consumers increasingly use smartphones and tablets. Of course, the technology of the paid search results must take into account this trend. For example, the use of smartphones among US consumers increased over 2012 by 50% and online sales made through mobile devices accounted for about 20% of total sales. The same trend is observed in other countries.

Naturally, navigation and Internet browsing via mobile devices is significantly different from that with the help of an ordinary computer or laptop. And the approach to promotional marketing in this respect should also be different.

Analyze the key questions - they have their own specific and must necessarily be shorter than the questions focused on the search with the help of an ordinary computer. As a rule, the length of a key request from a user using a smartphone or tablet, to be 30% shorter.

Optimize ads targeted to mobile devices. "Calls to Action" should be here more clearly and unambiguously than in the ads for desktop computers and laptops. Increase CTR level, emphasizing the main objective of the destination of the ad and added to the text, for example, the phrase "Call us" link or the "Download application".

Add all important additional information, which can be placed in mobile advertisements: company address, contact numbers, product information. Thus, you can be assured that all information will be available to the consumer. For rite ley ROV offering any digital products is also available opportunity to download the application directly from the mobile ad.

