7 "For" And "Against" Content Marketing
Many marketers believe content marketing is incredibly effective, but is he really so good?
1. You get an emotional response. However, there should be a caveat: you should publish meaningful content to get an emotional response. If this content you have, you will be able to attract readers, and get buyers to buy their loyalty. In social networks, this is the primary emotional connection; people share their thoughts and creativity, they are inspired by the attention of other users, they believe that they can give to others the same.
2. You increase the content virality. Basically, it follows the first paragraph, that is, the creation of emotional content when you work the strategy of marketing content that allows to produce and publish useful and interesting material, it contributes to the dissemination of content to users. Good content attracts more users - and makes them read to discuss in their environment.
Informative and relevance must be integral features of the content - and you will get the readers, followers, which will not only read the publication on your website, but also post them at home to improve their own social reputation.
3. You become a reliable source of information. This is the result obtained from the sum of your efforts to produce consistently good content and loyalty of your followers. If you regularly publish articles and make informative mailing that interest users, then sooner or later you necessarily will develop the reputation of a reliable source of information and / or the industry leader.
Of course, the creation of quality content and study your target audience needs time-consuming. But that is exactly what is your main goal, if you want to achieve social leadership.
4. What is the content -. So is the client strong content marketing strategy is to devote a lot of time, energy and effort creating the final product - and from time to time. But even if in the process of producing quality, informative, interesting and well-targeted messages you will come seven pots - it's worth it.
Of course, even the most carefully thought-out and work done will not make everyone weep over your article. But those who are really affected by the content will be the most loyal to your customers. Agreeing with your thoughts, supporting your point of view, if it is stated clearly and interestingly, they have already invested in your idea.
1. It is not easy. Managing an effective content marketing campaign it requires a lot of energy and organizational abilities. If you are not willing to invest in qualified and reliable people to help you create and implement your strategy, content marketing, and if you do not have enough time to wait for the results of the campaign - it's possible that all your efforts have been in vain. Content marketing is very effective, but very time- and labor-intensive.2. content marketing - not a freebie, besides having hidden costs. We have already said a little about it. Creation of a serious and effective campaign necessarily involves investments in both people and the tools that will help promote your content. And it does not mean that you can simply hire a content managers and editors and put them head on. You'll have to deal with online marketers, specialists in the SMM, sales managers. Only it will be some kind of guarantee that your amazing content is actively promoted among a large and relevant audience.
3. Difficulties with a departure from the traditional forms of marketing. Maybe you're ready to start developing a new and interesting content marketing campaign, but your leadership may well assume that the budget is better spent on banner ads and e-mail, allowing the audience to attack the heavy artillery.
Not all of us have time to adapt to the changing psychology of online buyers who require more serious work, and even a certain intrigue in online shopping. In the world of a huge number of all kinds of content, they want, above all, informative and entertaining presentation. You should not only give them the necessary information, but also to intrigue their messages.
The arguments "against" content marketing is sometimes really is a problem, but can not be a reason to abandon it. The effort you spend debugging this method of marketing and communications, it is worth the results.The arguments "against" content marketing is sometimes really is a problem, but can not be a reason to abandon it. The effort you spend debugging this method of marketing and communications, it is worth the results.