How to create an effective affiliate program from scratch?
Affiliate Programs - an opportunity to get hundreds or even thousands of visitors from other Web resources to your site and increase sales of their products.
And the best part is that you do not pay anything while others drive traffic for you! You only pay for results - a percentage of sales of goods.
But at the same time, I'm going to give you a realistic assessment of how the affiliate program. In just a few years, I have built a partner network of 28,422 partners. Now my affiliate program gives me 50% of the traffic and provides 40% of my sales, so I'm very pleased with the results!
During the first month of the affiliate program, it brought me around $ 2900 in sales, at the same time I paid $ 1,400 in commissions to its partners. My initial cost of $ 650 ($ 450 for the software and $ 200 for the additional preparatory work), but, in the end, I made a profit of $ 900, or a 138% return on investment ( the ROI ) in the first month. Six months later, the affiliate program gave me a 1900% ROI, and I know that the effect of it in the future will continue to grow for many years. is one of the first and most successful companies, which began to build an affiliate program. Now she has about 150,000 partners working on it, which simply send their visitors and customers on site. Amazon Affiliates get paid every time someone clicks on the link visitors to website or buy goods on it.
There are two ways to create your own affiliate program. The first way - is through a dedicated web-based service that will take care of everything for you over. These services will provide search and selection of partners and carry out administrative functions, such as the calculation of payments to partners, monitoring, reporting, and so on. D. But, as a rule, you will pay a higher percentage than if you did it all yourself.
The second way - is to buy or create your own management software affiliate program software (that's what I do).