1. Registration Rules:
1. Do not register just like that, "the future" or to "take" on this forum any nickname because inactive accounts will be deleted without warning.2. When registering, please indicate the real address e-mail: a safe system of sending messages works offline (using a special form), so that no one can see your email address (if you have previously put a tick in your profile 'Hide my e-mail from other participants ") and please invent itself meaningful" nicknames. " Options like "12345», «asdfghjkl», «aaaaaaa», nicknames of some numbers and names, containing the addresses of sites, advertising information or abusive language, even if masked, will be deleted.
3. It is strictly forbidden to register nicknames similar to "admin", "admin", "by moderator", "moderator", "maultalk", "maultolk" and nicknames are graphically similar to the existing nicknames in the forum (for example, replacing the Latin letters to visually similar Cyrillic or digits), thus creating some confusion on the forum. Keep in mind that any account that does not meet the rules of the forum may be locked or deleted without warning and explanation of the reason.
4. One user may not create more than one account, except in cases stipulated Administration Forum and with her permission. It should also be noted that the change in nickname after registration is prohibited in order to avoid possible confusion.
5. The purchase and / or sale of accounts, as well as their possible exchange and / or transfer to third parties is strictly prohibited. In case of such facts all accounts will be suspended without clarifying the reasons that resulted in the fact.
6. Once registered on the forum do not forget to activate your account by clicking on the link in the email. Then you get to e-mail a letter stating that your account has been confirmed by the Administration of the forum.
7. Users with less than 15 the number of messages can not create new threads and send private messages. Also, it is not available to fill information about yourself, upload avatars and use of signature. More information can be found here.
8. After dialing 15 messages, you can set up your account, select or upload an avatar, make a signature, etc.
9. By signing up for the forum, please read the FAQ on the reputation of the forum participants.
10. If you are unable to register on the forum, you can write to e-mail to the administrator of the forum and explain the problem in detail.
11. If you can not even go to the forum, please contact the forum by e-mail or ICQ.
2. The rules of writing and message:
1. Before creating a topic, check the surf, perhaps this topic is already there. If we are talking about advertising of any goods and / or services, it is strictly forbidden to create a lot of the same type, because the whole essence of the proposal can be summarized in one topic.2. Publish themes in the relevant sections. If the correct key is not present, write to the Administration of the Forum's request to create a new partition.
3. Before you post a topic, consider that you want to communicate. Topics that are pointless and poorly discussed topics (3-5 responses do not count), can be closed or deleted.
4. Do not create threads with obscure content. Topics entitled "Help", "I want to ask," "the Help" will be renamed or deleted.
5. Before you create a theme with a complaint against anyone better to try to resolve the conflict without publicity, because these threads / posts will subsequently not be edited or deleted.
6. Do not use large and / or animated images in your messages, because Visitors online do not always have high speed internet access, and your information in pictures simply can not reach them. We strongly recommend that when you make your order to optimize picture size and the size of the images before placing them on the forum, and when placing images "from the" try to use the "fast" hosting images.
7. It is strictly prohibited to place on images offline advertising or erotic content, including avatars.
8. Incorrect composed messages will be corrected or deleted. But for search engine spam in all its manifestations (eg, a list of keywords, separated by commas, etc.) in the themes and messages will be followed by severe punishment by the forum moderators. The same applies to topics with a request to evaluate a site that is option "vote site - url" without a detailed description will be regarded as spam.
9. Never use text captions large size, 2 times the size of normal text.
10. Without having to use color tags, they, along with other tags are used to isolate individual fragments in the report.
11. It is strictly forbidden the use of red color, and in any part of the forum. Also, the ban also applies to image registration posts. This color can be used only administrators and moderators of online users when editing posts. It is also forbidden to use moderator tags and citation messages in red (if you want to quote them, change the color of the standard).
12. Do not abuse the excessive quoting, and do not make empty quotes, leaving only the user's nickname is quoted. If you respond to the previous message, no need to bring it fully in its response. Select the text you want, select it and click "Quote" button. You can also refer to the user by clicking on his nickname on his text messages, or on the "reply" button.
13. Do not write the headlines and posts in capital letters and without the need to use transliteration, also try to write without mistakes and do not overdo jargon.
14. It is strictly forbidden to write meaningless posts, such as "write in PM", "send me a PM," "knock me in ICQ", etc.
15. When placing the materials, the author of which is not you, you need to specify a link to the source.
16. Accommodation, in some sections of the forum can only be set after 15 messages.
17. Editing messages only possible for 15 minutes after its publication. After this time, you can access to any of the moderators with a request to edit the written text. In turn, the moderator does so at its own discretion, that is, it is not strictly charged his responsibilities. It should also be borne in mind that in the PM must write to one person, and not all at once moderators. To notify the moderators of the need closure threads, use the "Complaint", indicating the specific reasons.
18. It is strictly forbidden to APat its theme less than 10 days after the last reply, provided that the subject has gone from the first page of the section. The exception may be the publication of information related to any innovations, provided its detailed presentation. With regard to the topics ups associated with updating the portfolio, the APat their topics can be no more than 1 time in 10 days, taking into account the fact that the portfolio has been updated for at least 3 new work, which will be published in this topic. Option "Portfolio for" prohibited. Ups topic messages do not carry any meaning (eg, "UP", "information in the first post is relevant", "relevant service", etc.) are prohibited in principle.
19. In commercial topics, implying a purchase and / or sale of any goods and / or services to end artificial lift topics strictly forbidden to write meaningless posts (for example, "write in ICQ", "order accepted", "joined" and etc.), and describe the steps of the job (for example, "drew a layout," "begin to impose," "finish the work", etc.) or to inform the employment level (for example, "finished the job", "I passed work "," free for orders, "" I will take a few more orders, "etc.). In turn, the performers / vendors thanks to the customer / buyer must use the "thank you" or "Desi", and do not write something like this: "Thank you for your order, you were pleased to co-operate", etc.
20. It is strictly forbidden to use superlatives when describing their products or services. For example, you can not write something like "The best products at the lowest prices."
21. This paragraph of the rules designed to protect buyers from fraud, to submit to them in ICQ / Skype authors of various topics. In commercial topics, if you accept payment in WM or refer to a specific level of your passport WebMoney or the BL, be sure to specify your WMID text, ie without "zapikivaniya" symbols, a reference to the certificate of welcome. If you are for their goods and / or services to accept payments in QIWI or Yandex.Money, be sure to indicate the number of their accounts. For these two payment systems allowed "zapikivanie" 2-3 characters in the account, but as they wish they can not "zapikivat" at all.
22. None of the participants of the forum has no right to force anyone to leave this forum! If you feel that a particular participant behaves unworthily, inconveniencing other visitors, please inform the administration of the forum, using the "complaint", private messages, e-mail or ICQ. Privacy guaranteed!
3. prohibited on the forum:
1. Create a message associated with the search for various cracks and patches to programs. Such questions will be removed from the forum without any transfer.2. Leave abusive or aggressive expressions in messages, comments in the profile and reputation of the participants, as well as communicate the mat, including "zapikali", where individual letters are replaced by different symbols, such as asterisks, etc.). Quoting messages containing mate in all its manifestations, is also prohibited. Our forum is characterized by mutual respect for each other, so do not break this tradition.
3. Place any third-party advertising forums, chat rooms and other resources of similar subjects in Topeka, signatures or in any other way without the consent of the Administration. Also, do not place any advertising offline items, etc.
4. Discuss the themes and illegal methods of work (hack, hacking, carding, codecs, ddos, cp, adware, etc.), as well as providing various services related to the disclosure of personal data.
5. Promote affiliate programs that pay for the installation of illegal software (spyware, malware, fake codecs, software, etc.).
6. Advertising and discuss pyramid schemes, lotteries and other systems "instant enrichment", thus attracting the forum participants as players.
7. Create a blank email message, as well as themes and messages, consisting only of smiles or punctuation, as well as messages with embedded malicious scripts.
8. Create multiple copies of the different sections of the forum, as well as to create the same type of theme in one section (it is regarded as a flood, and entails a form of punishment).
9. Engage the mass mailing of personal messages (it is regarded as spam and entails a form of punishment).
10. Use other people's data (username and password) to be placed on the forum of information contrary to the rules or simply offensive. Any participant, who noted these violations must report them to the Administration of the forum (for privacy, use private messages).
11. Open to sort things out with each other (to prove his innocence, using private messages, e-mail or ICQ) and disrespect to other forum members and the Administration.
12. It is strictly prohibited to non-constructive criticism and discussion forum acts as a moderator or administrator on the forum, and beyond. You can express their grievances through personal e-mail or ICQ.
13. It is forbidden to discuss the system's reputation and the pros / cons of invites to the forum.
14. Exercise racism, Nazism, intolerance, disrespect and other such views and engage in political campaigning, calling for extremism, revolutionary action, etc.
15. To request or offer to increase or decrease the user's reputation for anything, and gratitude in the form of "Thank you."
16. Post directly into an open message, logs the entire long correspondences (icq, skype, etc.), large texts and quotes from third-party resources, large pictures and screenshots, as well as examples of works, etc. For these purposes it is necessary to use a spoiler.
17. Placing useless posts, ie Flooding. It is also forbidden to engage in a dull set of posts to be able to create your own theme. It will be regarded as a flood, so that appropriate action will be taken.
18. Promote different porn resources and resources for all sorts of perverts, as well as any other resources of similar subjects. In this regard, the forum is prohibited posting porn images and videos, as well as materials that cause a normal person disgust (eg, anatomical theater, dead animals and other things like that).
19. Use the "Complaint" button for no apparent reason. For "false knock" or "knock is not the case," the participants will be taken appropriate action.
20. To request the vehicle to do this or that work "for review". If the vehicle itself offers to perform work for the review or for free, please contact HP or other specified means of communication. Accordingly, the subject is forbidden to litter messages such as "the first in a review," "ready for review", etc. Reviews about the services, techniques, filters and other similar products, the result of the application of which can not be traced immediately, allowed to write only to achieve reliable results (for example, a review of the procedure for raising TCI can write after receiving TCI according to this technique).
21. Advertise any affiliate programs, services, etc. with his reflink, not paying attention to users on the fact their presence in the message and providing a direct link to register, as well as a screenshot of payments on your account to the affiliate program that you recommend.
22. Advertise any goods and / or services to foreign subjects without the consent of the authors of these topics.
23. To carry out the sale of anything for charitable purposes. Such actions should be coordinated with the Administration of the forum.
24. Create themes to sell forecasts for any sporting events, as well as topics for the sale of various types of manuals, methodologies, strategies etc. of earnings at the bookmakers. Thus, prohibits the sale of such materials in any form. The same applies to the advertising of any resources for work and / or earnings at BC.
25. Create any topic and / or to write any posts on behalf of others, especially of commercial topics in the style of "a moped is not mine, I just posted a declared".
26. distribute, sell and / or resell other people's scripts / program / framework / procedure, etc. without the consent of their authors.
27. Create a theme for the purchase / sale of the scanned content. It is also forbidden to write about it in signatures participants.
28. Engage in the sale of various kinds of code / activation key to license the program (for example, Kaspersky Internet Security, Outpost Security Suite, Dr.Web Security Space, etc.).
29. Offer services DDoS'a and hacking sites, as well as any other similar services.
30. To request the users to vote, support or in any other way participate in the "cuts" in popularity in various rankings, competitions, etc., and create a theme with a variety of services cheat ratings, reputation, karma, likes, the advantages, the participants views etc. on third-party resources, in addition to the major social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google+, etc.).
31. Requests Member "poklikat" on advertising banners, blocks, links, etc.
32. To carry out competitions for the title of "Best of anyone (SEOs, copywriter, etc.) MaulTalk.com" without coordination with the Administration of the forum.
33. Create themes in order to "chip in" to any software, methods, filters, etc. for private purposes.
34. To create topics for the purpose of obtaining credit, as well as tops, fixing the fact of giving / getting a loan.
35. Create themes for discussion, suggestions or search spam services (e-mail / icq / sms mailing), burglary (sites / computers / networks, etc.), ripping and other illegal acts in a hidden or explicit.
36. Create a theme to buy / sell and in general for any operations with databases of existing e-mail addresses.
37. Write reviews in commercial subjects all sections of our forum users who have at least 15 posts on the forum. An exception can only be a lengthy reviews with good reason for their publication.
38. Discuss the price of goods and / or services without permission Topic Starter'a any commercial topics in our forum.
39. Leave feedback without the fact of the transaction, as well as reviews that do not correspond to reality. Purchase / Sale of reviews is strictly prohibited. In case of such facts all accounts will be suspended without clarifying the reasons that resulted in the fact.
4. Types of penalties for violation of forum rules:
1. For minor violations should simple warning. If you ignore the notes, the user loses the right to post on the forum (temporarily or permanently).
2. For excessive placement of advertising information, the user loses the right to post on the forum (temporarily or permanently), in addition, he may be denied access to a forum on IP-address. For offenders, using foreign proxy Applicable range lock on the IP-address.
5. Promotion of the forum participants:
1. Active forum members enjoy certain privileges. They may be awarded special personal title, such users can post promotional information, if it does not contradict the WK in your signature RF and the FAQ.2. By mutual agreement with the Administration of the forum, active users can be assigned to the moderators of the forum.
6. Increase / decrease the level of warning:
1. Violation of rules of the forum, participants receive warnings from moderators, thereby increasing their overall level.2. To challenge and / or asked to remove / alleviate the resulting warning is possible through proper communication with the moderator in the LAN, but for the lack of knowledge of rules and inadequate claims against moderators can increase the sentence itself up to a week or month ban ban on posting.
3. Lowering of warning perhaps not completely, but in part: Each moderator has the discretion to remove the user issued his own warning after 3 months, but under the condition that the user does not receive warnings during the last 1-3 months.
7. Conclusions
1. The administrator does not bear any responsibility for material posted on the forum, tips and other information.2. Being on the forum of a message does not mean that The administrator fully and unconditionally agree with its contents.
3. Administration of the forum has no relation to any of the goods and services provided to the participants in the forum. The same applies to promotional materials, which are posted on the forum. Any transactions are made at the risk of the parties. In turn, we strongly recommend that you use the services of proven services and participants.
4. The administrator in the person of administrators and moderators at its discretion is entitled to adjust / move / close / delete these or other topics.
5. By registering, you agree to receive a weekly newsletter, from which you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link in the email.