5 Things Not To Do In Social Media Marketer

5 things not to do in social media marketer

I love social networking. I spend a great part of his life for them!
Jobs SMM - is extremely difficult, due to a variety of factors that can permanently distract you from the task. Newsline, psychological tests, all painfully familiar 140 characters, A pop-up dialog box in the FB / VK, when you have just completed 2 of correspondence and going to close the laptop ...

There is always something to strive for, there is always a lot of mistakes to be made and a lot of races, which we will surely come themselves. However, some of the lessons that we give social networks, simply to learn. For example, after reading today's article.
I would like to offer you 5 techniques of marketing for social networking that you will, in any case, should not be done.

1. Automatic sending messages

Have you ever paid attention to topics like "Subscribe to my group", and began immediately to consider the destination page, his personal website, VK page, blog? Of course not!
Automatic delivery of messages - that's what annoys me the most. And I'd rather feel very lonely than ever to get these soulless mailing!

Do not behave like that with your subscribers! Now, if you have sent a letter of thanks by postal mail to each subscriber - this would be a different matter! Try to immediately interact with your subscribers, tell them about yourself, show that you are the truly useful resource!
Once the QR-code illusions too, seemed revolutionary way, but now the trend died. Die and automatic distribution.

In reality, the distribution only shows your laziness, detachment and unwillingness to interact with people.

And while many are boasting that the automatic mailing really helped them to gain a list of subscribers and develop business, bad trail in the subconscious of these subscribers are not worth it.
For each positive response, we have 50 people just like me, who just grits his teeth and tries in every way to protect itself from you. For social networks do not have any hard universal rules, but when it concerns earning trust and building long-term positive relationships, about the automated communication can be no question.
Real cooperation should not be automatic. Turn off automatic replies on Twitter, nobody likes them!

2. Abuse of hashtags

Hashtags - it is derived from the sphere of social networks - they enable you to sort publication, find new contacts and information of interest, set a unique tone advertising campaigns.

But I think many of us know the feeling when you're sitting in a movie theater at the beginning of the movie eats popcorn. That is, a lot of good - it is, to some extent, too, nothing good.
The use of hashtags, or help you to convey the message, or show you in the role of underdog, which is desperately trying to get more subscribers.
Most words that people say hashtag, absolutely not designed for this, and sometimes even meaningless ...

When it comes to Twitter, then try to use no more than a few hashtags. And be sure to apply a strategic approach.
Hashtag - it is the most targeted keywords in your message that lets you find, or if you find someone who uses it.

3. The bombing on all fronts

Importantly, do not confuse this with the first paragraph. They are similar, but differ from each other. It is not necessary to publish a second one and the same content on all social networks at once. I recommend that you use the schedule and deferred publication.
Automatic publication saves a lot of time, energy and nerves.
By the publication of the same post, too, need to be approached wisely.
For example, there are cases when people make automatic publication of records from one network to another, and eventually displayed a strange record without pictures, which is not very attracts attention in the latest version. Oops!

If you publish all of its names, it is not necessary to worry about the formatting, however, if you are acting on behalf of the company or enterprise, with publications is important to consider what, where and when you publish.

Each social network is arranged in its own way, and you do it is important to ensure that each network your publication look accordingly.
People will notice if you use automated publishing system on all social networks.
The bright picture into Google Plus Facebook or specify appropriate users to help you do business. Besides, all this shows that you give time and care that the audience of a social network are getting a quality finished product.

4. Inability to cope with the negative reviews

I think each of us has ever stumbled on some sort of Internet troll - equivalent grumpy grandfather from The Simpsons.

Their problem is not you, and not your product. Their problems started since childhood, but the fact is that this can be affected by you or your business.
Now I do not mean very nice feedback and comments on the web, and sometimes outright slander. Any business is important to be able to work with people and reviews. It is difficult to respond to the negative reviews, but sometimes it can be very frustrating or even anger, depending on who is on the other "end of the line."

In general, all this is just a reminder that people want to be heard and want to be appreciated. A calm, reasoned and, quite simply, the human response can help you put that person in place.
It is worth noting that even if you are right in a given situation, directness and aggression in communication can seriously ruin your relationship with your customers, and even tarnish the reputation of the brand.
It is important in any situation to remain human, even if you are struggling to blacken. If you can not do that, then assign this task to one of your managers.

An excellent piece of advice: when you are in doubt about something, study the situation above, and do the opposite!

5. No content optimization sharing

Every day I visit a lot of different blogs, the authors, who are willing to share with the readers only quality content. The funny thing is that many blogs simply do not focus on good content.
When I see the good stuff, and is ready to share it with friends, the last thing I want to try to discover key social networks.

Yes, I know many will say that this is my problem. However, if it is my problem, I will decide them that just do not share this material. Lou, she gives your visitors every opportunity to share content.
Put social media buttons to prominence, make sure that when syringe with your pages correctly affixed header. If you have not dealt with the social buttons, then I recommend you try out the services UpToLike.ru or Pluso.ru.
Focus on what works

It should be noted that the scope of social networking is constantly changing, so it is best to constantly keep an eye on it and try to meet the current requirements.
As learning what is wrong and what is good, you will be able to weed out unsuitable choices and concentrate on something effective. In other words, look for something that works for you!
Maybe today I missed something?

