Good Content: 40 Ideas For 2016

Good content: 40 ideas for 2016

Almost every marketer probably already being planned or even completes strategy planning marketing campaigns and budgets for the next year. Very often they have to actively seek out and come up with innovative and interesting ideas, including with respect to the content. A list of 40 such ideas and we want to offer you.
  1. 1. Recycle and updated mission content marketing.
  2. 2. Locate one or more partners and launch a joint marketing project content.
  3. 4. Surely in your company are working people who have something to say to the audience. Include at least three such experts in their content plan.
  4. 5. And, it might be worth it to send the same courses to improve communication skills?

  5. 6. Identify the most valuable part of the audience and prepare for their special publications.
  6. 7. You can create an account in any of the social media, for example, your Pinterest, and try to make this tool a part of your content marketing.
  7. 8. Create a series of original publications. Consider the familiar area in the aspect in which she had never mentioned.
  8. 9. Make sure that each landing page has only one call to action.
  9. 10. Analyze examples of effective content marketing implemented by well-known companies.
  10. 11. Write a book about your own business.
  11. 12. By the beginning of the year, prepare an updated list of authoritative sources on social media.
  12. 13. Make a list (or, at least, most of it), the authors, the publication of which you are planning to display or use in the following year.
  13. 14. Connect to the preparation of the content of at least 5 staff members from other departments.
  14. 15. Set a goal to increase the attractiveness of the content, using the authority of any interesting personality.
  15. 16. Start publishing a series of podcasts for executives.
  16. 17. Spend among managers to work with clients poll, figuring out the main problems and issues that arise in their clients.
  17. 18. Make a list of 100 popular questions of clients (and, of course, prepare answers to them).
  18. 19. Think, maybe you can use in your publications any unusual work of art (painting, part of the performance, a short film, a poem - but whatever). Do not forget the copyright!
  19. 20. Highlight any specific traditional marketing techniques whose effectiveness can be improved by using content marketing.
  20. 21. Set a goal before the end of 2013 to double the number of subscribers to the newsletter.
  21. 22. Each month, one reads any book: do not be surprised, it is quite possible you will find there interesting ideas for content marketing.
  22. 23. Make a list of indicators that objectively demonstrate the effectiveness of your marketing program, you will be able to provide leadership.
  23. 24. Stop sending the same old standard press releases. It is better to come up with an interesting and attractive to the consumer story.
  24. 25. Na late cooperation with leading publications in your business niche.
  25. 26. Use analytical reports and studies that may be of interest to your customers.
  26. 27. Analyze important for your business and build an analytical study on the results of its six-month marketing campaign, including at least 20 publications.
  27. 28. Set a goal to more effectively use the visual component content.
  28. 29. Carry out an audit of all the posts in the blog and analyze what the headlines are of most interest to the readers.
  29. 30. If the marketing budget allows, begin to analyze the media company that it would be appropriate to purchase.
  30. 31. Make sure that the same content is displayed correctly not only on standard monitors, but also on the screens of mobile devices and tablet computers.
  31. 32. Appoint an employee responsible for publication in each of the units and arrange meetings with them at least once a week.
  32. 33. Develop content that talks about the direction in which the industry is moving, events, trends, developments, innovations in the sector.
  33. 34. Plan publication (Publication), which will be totally unexpected for your target audience. And look what happens!
  34. 35. If you are going to highlight some specific topic, plan for at least 10 publications in its framework.
  35. 36. Send your correspondent and videoperatora (photographer) to the next event in your area: you will be able to review the events, to publish interviews with participants, put interesting photos and videos.
  36. 37. Highlight the award to all the authors of publications, depending on the popularity and quality of the material. Inform the community about this and be sure to publish the results of the awards.
  37. 38. Select the 10 most popular bloggers in your area. Discuss cooperation with them.
  38. 39. Identify key 10 complaints with which clients accessed the managers of your company in 2016. Plan content program that could help to address these issues.
  39. 40. And remember the main thing: no matter what you do in 2013 in respect of the content - do something that nobody else does in your area.
  40. Successful content marketing.

