The Importance Of Social Networks For SEO Grows

Social factors began to influence the algorithms of search engines in December 2015, but only in 2011, Google and some other search engines began to use their content to rank and index the content of social networks.

Since Google when ranking content issues high on the promotional items, organic issuance is often not visible without scrolling the page. This means that web marketers need to think about SEO in more general terms - without focusing on keywords and layout, and using content to attract visitors and encourage them to view content and share the link with your friends

What social factors currently affect the results?

Given that search more than 200 factors, in addition, they are constantly changing, the question is difficult to answer precisely. However, there are some key factors that are worth noting.


Ever since Google in 2011 launched Search Plus Your World, he is trying to find ways to increase the weight of the content in Google+ search results. Search engine motivation is clear - in the battle with Facebook and Twitter for the user should be encouraged to create profiles of people post on Google+.
There are four main ways in which Google+ content affects the search results:

  • 1. Your G + posts higher ranked users among your G + friends when searching for relevant key demands compared to other on this subject.
  • 2. Profiles to on Google+ (people and brands) appear in the search results.
  • 3. Post to G + is given along with other organic search results.
  • 4. Web page with a lot of '+1' marks is perceived as more relevant.

However, we must remember that these factors do not necessarily have to be a key force for each request. Google+ content can be displayed on the search results page, in different ways, it all depends on personalization and brand-building post on Google+.

Social popularity

Search engines are looking for signs of a page's importance and its relevance. Each time the user performs an action on the social network, showing that the blog (the post) turned out to be interesting to him (such as "Like" in Facebook, add a comment to a product or post), search engine sees it as a social factor.
The more different social factors associated with a particular page, the more important it considers the search engine. Therefore, other things being equal, more relevant will be the page about which more social activity. Increasing activity on your page, you will climb in search results.
Social Bookmarking
When the URL of your page are placed in your profile or in the news bulletin of social networking users - is another important social factor. The more of these posts and the census - the stronger the influence of the factor.
The use of online tools such as social button "Like" or "Share" - a good way to encourage your visitors to share the link to your website.

The impact and relevance of informative material

To the search engines take you to the first places in the search results, your page should be popular. For example, if the page is optimized for search engines (which has the title, H1 tag, meta tags, description, external links, etc.), but not active, that is, has a low traffic and user activity (few comments, census estimates) then the search engine it will be a signal: "well optimized and relevant pages, but the material is NOT relevant and unpopular."

It is not known how much weight is transferred to the page search engine algorithms as a function of its "freshness", but regularly update materials and to encourage visitors to read, comment on, share links, lay at necessary. Think about it, because it really makes sense: why the visitor plenty of pages that are visited and not lost on the World Wide Web.

Old, not informative content will never be as relevant as date and regularly updated. If in the process of search engine optimization, you will create many new pages, but they will not be updated, will not be new external links, it will give at best a short-term effect, but will not contribute to a stable finding your site on the first places in the extradition.

If you continuously update content, add articles and posts, monitor the relevance of the content, the users will visit the site and be active, share positions in their social profiles. So there is a sense of the demand site.

In the near future, Google plans to innovations related to "fresh" content.
Mitigation ranking algorithm for "freshness." For some markers, used to determine the "freshness" of pages, it will be increased the period. Thus, the page will be considered "fresh" longer.
Improved definition of a user's search, in the search for fresh content. As part of this project will be entered entirely new classifier, better defining the searches aimed at finding relevant content.
So today SEO-optimizers still do not fully understand how best to use social networks as well as the search engines indexing algorithms are constantly changing social content and determining the balance of social factors.

The main conclusion that can be drawn from the above - search engine optimization changes. Optimization through understanding and ranking algorithms to manipulate them in order to "please" the search engine is still in the past. The present and the future is the use of high-quality content to attract and motivate your users to interactive communication and the census materials. The more that you do will please people, the more they will talk about it and share with their environment. And therefore, the stronger the social impact of your content.

Your task - to determine how best to use social media to increase exposure to your content and coverage of the audience, try to analyze this impact through the site statistics system, and then use the data analysis reports for planning future site content.
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